Zeros are Important

I love when friends decide to partner with us. It is essential to our ministry to have donors who give regularly and generously.

Just yesterday I sent out some thank you notes to friends who had given in December. I had sent a few via Facebook and this morning I found this great story in my Facebook Inbox:

When I went to make the contribution, I used my credit card and it was declined 3 times. The first two times, I misunderstood and thought I had just not manipulated the website correctly or had omitted information or that the website wasn’t working right on my phone. So, I eventually decided to use a different credit card. 

Screen Shot 2014-01-09 at 8.04.32 AMAt that point, I realized that the amount I had put in had an extra zero. Then I started getting calls and emails from my credit card company saying they were freezing my account because of suspected fraudulent activity. When I told my husband about it, we laughed and he said, “You only thought you were helping build a house and what you were really doing was building a whole village!”

Sadly, the zero came off, no village at this time, but I hope it (this donation) brings peace to you and Maureen and frees you up to do other things besides worry about the bills. That was my intention.

Sure, we’d love the zero to stay on, but more than that, we love when the intention of a gift is to bring peace and free us up to serve. Thanks to each of you who give to our ministry no matter how many zeros are on your check.


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