Photo of the Week

Josias is a very special friend of our ministry and about a month and a half ago, we bought he and his family three chickens. Josias had high expectations for these three and would whisper to them on a daily basis: "When are you going to lay eggs?" Well, they've started laying and we were the recepients of the first dozen!

Josias is a very special friend of our ministry and about a month and a half ago, we bought he and his family three chickens. Josias had high expectations for these three and every day he would whisper this question to them: “When are you going to lay eggs?” Well, they’ve started laying and we were the recipients of the first dozen (It is difficult to say no to this level of generosity!). His family now has a consistent source of protein in their diet and Josias is a very happy boy.

Photos of the Week will show up every week in our Friday posts on Mission Erickson dot com. Our hope is that each weekly POTW helps you to better connect with our ministry in Guatemala. Enjoy.


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