Photo of the Week

This week we got to sneak away to Hawaii, Guatemala to grab a few days of vacation with Katey before she heads back to Wheaton College for her sophomore year. The place was beautiful and the time together as a family was priceless, even if we did have to share the pool with this crabby guy…

Photos of the Week will show up every week in our Friday posts on Mission Erickson dot com. Our hope is that each weekly POTW helps you to better connect with our ministry in Guatemala. Enjoy.



2 thoughts on “Photo of the Week

  1. I thought you were joking about “Hawaii” Guat…so I googled it! Looks like a nice place to get away! How far from Antigua is that?

  2. Just about 2 and a half hours away. Very peaceful and we had the beach to ourselves. Above all, it was great to be there as a family including Katey!

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