RESTORE, Redeem, Release

Our ministry in Guatemala can be boiled down to three words: Restore, Redeem and Release. Over the next three weeks we’d like to share with you how these three verbs are fleshed out.

In a small village about 6 miles from our home lives a woman who has become a dear friend. She lives in a tiny corn stalk home with a tin roof. This home is on a small piece of property owned by her mother-in-law, a woman who despises her. She is the mom of three energetic (read out of control) boys. The wife of a husband who is abusive.

For her, money is scarce. Food is meager.

Hope is nonexistent.

Over the last two years, Katey has been visiting our friend every Tuesday afternoon. She knocks on the tin door of her home in order to bring hope. To ask deep questions. And to pray.

There is no reason that these two would connect. One is a college student from the US, the other a struggling housewife in Guatemala. One is 18 years old with a bright future, the other is already beaten down by the struggles of her young life. But they connect because God is all about restoring hope and He uses people like you and me to deliver it. God’s hope knows no cultural, language or religious boundaries.

Tragically, this is not an isolated scenario. There are people throughout our world who are struggling to keep afloat. They need food, clean water, good education and sufficient housing. We work hard to restore these practical needs.

But the greatest deficit in our world is the hope deficit. God can use us to restore homes, families and futures but most importantly He uses us to restore hope.

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.  -Romans 12:12-13


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