God is steering us in new directions…

This Fall will be a season of change for Mission Erickson

When you ride in a canoe, the pilot controls the direction of the boat. With just a slight drag of a paddle, the path of the canoe changes.

God is dragging His paddle and moving us in a new direction. God is not moving us from Guatemala or even from Antigua, but He is directing us to new ventures beyond the Servants 4 Him ministry that we have been serving with for the last two years. We have officially told the leadership of S4H that we are moving on and are in the process of joining with our good friends Lee and Angel Radford at Redeemer’s House International. We could not be more excited about this new opportunity!  Suffices to say that this new opportunity is a great fit for our philosophy of ministry and for our family. Along with this change, we are also preparing to drop Katey off at Wheaton College for her first semester as a college student! Season of Change is right!

We are telling you this now, admittedly without a lot of detail, because you are a part of our team. You support us with your prayer, encouragement and giving. We want you in the loop!  If you are concerned about your giving and if it is going to the right place, don’t be. As of right now, any gifts you have sent through Servants 4 Him will make it to us, but at  your earliest convenience head over to the Redeemer’s House GIVE page where you can set up your new giving and you can continue to give to our mission. Thanks for being there for us and please drop us a line if you’ve got questions or concerns…

-Todd, Maureen, Katey, Clay and Emily

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