
One of the tedious tasks of being a missionary is making the dreaded airport run. This “run” usually entails a lot of hurrying up to ensure that you are on time and then a lot of waiting around for a delayed flight, for the plane to unload, for the issues to be ironed out in customs, for lost bags to be found and finally for your friends to come out and (many for the very first time) step into a new country, culture and world view.

Sure, I just called an airport run tedious, but I also love ’em. There is the anticipation of the arrival, the hope that they have stashed some peanut butter M&M’s in their bag and as is the case today: meeting new people.

This afternoon a team from Southpoint Church in Maryland is coming to work alongside of us in Servants 4 Him. I’ve not met any of the people on this team before. Sure, we’ve Skyped, but today they are stepping off of a plane and placing their trust in me and our team. That is awesome!

My hope for them and for us is that we get to be a part of God’s Kingdom growing. That God would not allow us to get in the way of what He is wanting to do both in and through us. This week we are working alongside a church in San Pablo, Laguna and we simply want to help that church help her people. Please pray that our plans and God’s plans are one in the same.

We can make our plans but the Lord determines our steps. Proverbs 16:9


1 thought on “¡Bienvenidos!

  1. What an incredible trip…truly unforgettable.
    Your team is amazing and your family inspiring.
    “The Lord has done great things for us,
    and we are filled with joy.”
    Psalm 126:3

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