Increasing my Pace

I’m not a runner. Technically, I’m a jogger, and at times I’m a walker. If I could only find out how to speed walk or mall walk and still retain some dignity, I’d join their ranks right away.

I’ve recently signed up for my first half marathon and I’m in training. All the books suggest training on terrain that will be similar to the race terrain. My home country of Guatemala is filled with volcanoes which means any course here is going to have some undulating terrain. I’m starting to hate hills but realize that they are necessary if I’m going to reach my goal of finishing this race.

I’m learning about the value of pace, not going out too fast, pushing myself when my body says no, figuring out how to keep going through 4, 6 or 8 mile training runs and only being influenced by others when it really helps me. In short, I’ve got to run my race, not anyone else’s.

The spiritual parallels are obvious. Allowing God to order my steps (Proverbs 16:9), offering my body as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1), running in such a way as to win the prize (I Corinthians 9:24), and surrounding myself with people who will spur me on (Hebrews 10:24). The race (read life) that God has for me is mine and I’ve got to live out what He has planned for me.

I sign up for a race because I need to be challenged and when I pay for a registration, I’m that much more likely to follow through. There are times when I’ve got to motivate my spiritual life in the same way, times that I’ve got to add some spiritual hills to my devotional life…read the Bible through in 90 days, fast from something, read a book that challenges, you know the drill.

I’m feeling the need to sign up for something that will add challenge to my spiritual life. How about you? Do you have any suggestions for me? What has spiritually challenged you lately?



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