God Answers Facebook Prayers

This morning at a little after 8am, I posted the following quote on my Facebook profile page:

“Lord, we know you own the cattle on a thousand hills. Please sell some of them, and send us the money.” -Henry Ironside

Then my family and I headed off to our bilingual church right here in Antigua. Katey taught kids, Clay played the cajón and Mo, Emily and I were just regular people (for the most part). When we got back home, about 4 hours after my original fb prayer post, I saw the following post on the very same profile page:

Today we took the 5 gallon jug money the kids and I have been saving and turned it into official Mission money. We love you. It’s on it’s way (not in coins anymore of course!)

I have always known that God answers Tebow-style prayers, prayers of older ladies who exude faithfulness, prayers of most of the prophets, and of course, the prayers of righteous people (James 5:16); but I was not convinced that God checked on my Facebook prayers.

It’s nice to know that God is tuned into social media.

And if you’d like to keep up with us beyond www.missionerickson.com, then friend us on Facebook where we’ll share prayers, pass on pithy quotes, show embarrassing photos of our family and give you more personal details than you thought you wanted because isn’t that what Facebook is designed for?



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