
This week we have had the opportunity to host my brother Kurt and his family here in Antigua. We’ve covered a lot of ground in a very short week. We’ve participated in tipico food eating, volcano climbing, market shopping, pickup truck riding, stomachs turning (just a bit), and village visiting.

It was during the village visit that we tutored in English and lead our weekly VBS event. It was a blessing to introduce my family to our friends in the village. They got to hold babies, play soccer and visit homes. It was a great day.

And here is where the validation comes in (and we all need a little bit of that from time to time, don’t you think?)…the quotable quote from that day was:

“Well, it looks like my brother and his family actually do help people*.”    -Kurt

*Just in case you wondered what we have been doing down here over the last year and a half. I think sometimes you have to see and experience it first hand in order to understand it.


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