If I were a betting man…

This may be bold, but we can guarantee 10 things that will absolutely come to pass in 2012.

1. The world will not end when the Mayan calandar runs out…which is good because that gives us more time to serve in the Mayan villages near our home.

2. Guatemala will swear in a new president.

3. Katey will go to college.

4. More and more church leaders will learn how to study their Bibles inductively through S4H’s Bible Training Program.

5. www.missionerickson.com will post 52 amazing Photos of the Week.

6. In our relationship with God, we will talk less and listen more.

7. We will graciously eat food that we do not like nor know from where it came.

8. The Servants 4 Him team and ministry will continue to grow.

9. Barcelona will maintain it’s dominance over Real Madrid and

10. We will continue to value the team of people that God uses to support and uplift our ministry efforts here in Guatemala.


2 thoughts on “If I were a betting man…

  1. I always remember that famous missionary prayer: “Lord, I’ll get down if you’ll keep it down”!

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