Sin Gluten

So, I’ve gone gluten-free; in reality 3 out of 5 of us have gone gluten-free. I know it’s the new bandwagon in the U.S. but let me assure you, it is not trendy here in Guatemala.

So, why in the world would I choose to go gluten-free? Well, my stomach has bothered me my whole life and for the last few years I knew I should probably try going Gluten free. But in reality, I LOVE GLUTEN. In fact, I believe I was addicted to it.

After going to the states and eating at every restaurant that I had been missing, I returned to Guatemala feeling quite sick. I was happy mind you, just sick. So I decided to “cleanse” for a few days. We’ve all done it, the post-vacation diet of fruits and veggies, but I was craving bread. I needed motivation to stay with my healthy foods for just a few days…this was not going to be permanent. So I bought the book (on my iPad of course, I have yet to find a bookstore) Wheat Belly by William Davis.  Wow! It offered the motivation I needed. He said, the first few days you will crave bread like a chain smoker craves a cigarette!

So, I stuck with my “temporary” healthy eating for a few more days. And something that I never expected happened, I stopped craving bread and I felt better than I had felt in years!! I had mixed emotions. Obviously I was happy to feel so good, but I was sad, because I realized that the very food I craved and ate often was the very food making me sick. I could not turn back.

Todd and Emily have joined me to support this lifestyle change. Todd has not noticed much difference, but Emily, who has always been skinny but had a little protruding belly, came to me just yesterday and said, “Mommy, my big tummy is gone!” After reading Wheat Belly I believe she was bloated from gluten.

Why am I sharing all this with you? Well, not to over spiritualize this, but I was refusing to give up the one thing I loved not realizing it was the very thing hurting me. I see this in my spiritual life too. I tend to want to hold on to the very thought, action, or sin that I think I need in my life; not realizing it is the very thing holding me back…This whole journey has been quite eye-opening.

What are you holding on to that is really hurting you?


2 thoughts on “Sin Gluten

  1. Good for you, Ericksons!!! I’m not gluten-free, but I have cut back a ton on bread and have started eating a LOT more fruits and veggies and I definitely agree I feel a lot less bloated. I feel like a bigger trend here in America now is to do “detox” and there are so many wacky ones. I think if everyone stopped putting so much junk in their bodies they would feel a lot better and not need to “detox” :0)

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