Open Doors

When you come to visit us in Antigua, Guatemala, one of the first things you will notice are the beautiful doors throughout this colonial city. Some are utilitarian, some ornate, some with rich wood grain and some with peeling paint. All serve as doorways to somewhere; a home, a cafe, a hostel.

When I see these doors I am reminded of Paul’s plea in Colossians 1: “And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ.”

Today I am asking you to do the same for Maureen and I and our kids as we continue to build our prayer and support teams so that we can be a part of the work of Servants 4 Him in Guatemala. We are about half way there and are both excited and humbled as many of you sign on to support Mission Erickson.

One of the reasons we are so drawn to S4H is because they are in the business of opening doors for the gospel. Whether it is a bio-sand water filter, a fuel efficient stove or some other project, they are all designed to facilitate relationships within the Mayan villages of Guatemala. Twenty-two different Mayan Indian tribes comprise more than 50% of the population, providing a rich, colorful setting for cross-cultural ministry. We look forward to walking through many open doors in these Mayan villages.

Our goal is to be finished support-raising and ready to move by the end of the summer. We can’t wait to get there!


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