He Sees Us Straining

This week I got to be a part of Intensive Care Ministries’ inductive Bible study training in Quiacquix, Totonicapan, Guatemala. We were teaching church leaders how to follow the three simple steps of inductive Bible Study: Observation, Interpretation and Application.

Together, we looked at the very familiar passage in Mark 6 when Jesus walks on water. What struck me in this account is found long before Jesus even gets his feet wet.

They just finished feeding the 5,000, Jesus sends the disciples ahead and dismisses the crowd. He then goes to the mountainside to pray. It is there, while the disciples are 3 or 4 miles away (John 6:19), that Jesus saw the disciples straining against the wind (Mark 6:48).

And it is there that that Jesus sees our struggles as well…even if we are a long way off.  I love the fact that he is aware of our struggles and has the power to do something about it (Mark 6:51).


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