
The average Guatemalan child growing up in a village does not go beyond 6th grade in his formal education. He may not continue because of lack of funds for school itself, for a proper uniform or may simply not own a pair of shoes. He may also feel pressure to help with a family business or out in the field. The cultural pressure on children to not stay in school is great.

Servants 4 Him wants to help change that statistic.

Every January we provide school supplies, backpacks, uniforms and shoes for school children. These items are all donated and sent to us and we love to meet these basic needs. We also work hard to raise funds for scholarships (becas) so that our young friends can continue with their schooling. Education is a key part of breaking the cycle of poverty.

If you’d like to help us help others, head over to our Servants 4 Him donation page and scroll down to the scholarships option…

This could be a great “In-lieu-of-a-gift, I-have-given-the-gift-of-education-in-your-name” Christmas gift for your friends and family who are difficult to shop for! From our perspective this is a win-win:  Kids in Guatemala get the education they need and you don’t have to wander around the mall wondering what you are going to get for your brother-in-law this year.

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40


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