Fuego, Our Cranky Neighbor

Yep, that’s an active volcano about 7 miles or so from our house. This pic was taken yesterday morning as Fuego was dealing with a bit of volcanic indigestion. It was absolutely beautiful and yet it was a bit frightening at the same time.

This picture and this description are also a very accurate snapshot of our lives and ministry here in Guatemala.

We get to live in a country that carries the moniker “The Land of Eternal Spring”. We get to build into the lives of a deeply generous and hospitable people.  We get to participate in what God is doing here in Central America.  There are even many who see Guatemala becoming the spiritual leader for this region in the very near future.

While we enjoy the weather, we also take precautions because of the violence inherent here. The same people who welcome us into their homes and offer us homemade food, often cannot afford to feed their own families. And although the work of God here is obvious, we struggle with the slow process it takes for lives to truly change.

We live in a dichotomic world (How’s that for a SAT word?)  And as we live this life here in Guatemala, we experience the highs and lows of these differences. Our emotions and feelings fluctuate, but the God we serve does not. And for that I am most grateful.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.  Hebrews 13:8


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