Pretty Feet

The team this week is from Destiny Church in Virginia and we have had a great week.

Yesterday we took a group out to El Tizate to deliver food to a few families that are really struggling. In order to get to one particular family we needed to traverse a river. And by river, I really mean natural sewage system. We were greeted on the other side by 5 kids with no parent to be found. We delivered the food and began to talk and laugh with these precious kids.

Two of our “other side of the river” friends had no shoes and the folks visiting from the Commonwealth began to wonder if their shoes were about the right size for these two girls. Next thing you know, shoes are being tried on and ready to be given. Conventional wisdom had us all cross back over the sewage creek and up to our van and then commence with the actual shoe-giving. (When crossing a creek that flows with sewage, it is always wise to wear shoes.)

As we drove home with two of our folks now barefoot, I was reminded of the phrase Paul quotes in Romans 10: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”


1 thought on “Pretty Feet

  1. What a blessing you were to these dear folks! You not only shared Jesus with them, but you took care of some great physical needs like food and shoes. It’s hard for me to fathom walking across that kind of “river”. You are being God’s hands and feet to these people and I’m sure discovering that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35.

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