¡Hasta Luego!

Today we got to host a party at our house. The purpose of this party was to say goodbye to the Broce Family as they follow God’s call from Guatemala to Uganda, by way of Colorado.

We ate well, laughed and got to pray for this family as they step out in obedience.  The sad goodbyes were stretched out  as everyone packed into their cars at the end of the party.

Goodbyes are always bittersweet, but this one impacted our family bit more because each of our kids have enjoyed good friendships with their counterparts in the Broce Family. Katey will certainly miss baking cinammon bread with Erika, Clay will miss his Cobblestone Productions partner, Nick, and Emily will miss her Sunday School and homeschool co-op friend, Annelise.

Although today was not that much different from the parties we were a part of in Virginia as we prepared for our move here, it is always intriguing to watch as God leads in the lives of those around us. From where we sit now, we know a bit more of what they are experiencing.

I’m thankful for the Broce’s continued example of obedience. They are following God as He leads them from Central America to Africa. If you want to track their adventure, be sure to like them here on Facebook.

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.  -Jesus


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