It’s the end of the world as we know it…

According to some, the World was supposed to end yesterday. For us, in many ways, it was just beginning.

Have you ever had one of those days when God just sends people to your door? Well, I had no intentions of having one of those days. We were going to head to the city to catch a movie…but God had other plans.

This was our day:

5am     Todd drives family to the airport…(not in the van pictured to the right).

8am     I get out of bed because men are coming to work on the roof…

10am    A Guatemalan friend from the city comes by with her mom and dad so we could meet them…

10:30am      A mom from El Tizate comes by with her oldest daughter and newest baby (see last newsletter to get the story about baby Carolina). The daughter needed to use a computer for a school project. I feed them lasagna for lunch. Mom shared how she does not have enough food for her children. I pack her a grocery bag full of food.  Mom brought me a plant from her garden as a gift…

11am    The gardener, who comes every Saturday morning, plants the gift for me with Emily’s help. We feed him every week, this week he got lasagna…

11:30am     Todd, accompanied by 2 of our kids, drives the mom and 2 kids to pick up medicine for the grandma and then drive them home…

1pm    One of Clay’s friends comes by…

2pm A Guatemalan friend, Fernando, and three of his kids (that I tutor in Santiago Zamora…see last news letter) come by to visit and talk. I give them medicine for a sick family member.

4:30- 6pm     Many missionary friends come by…

6:30pm    Our ministry driver (that we use for teams) comes by to tell us about a car accident he was just in (where God spared his life). We feed him dinner and give him medicine…

7pm    Clay and friends come back from Parque Central, where a young man that we connected with at the lake this week, has called and is in town to visit. We feed him dinner. He then slept on our couch…

The story that God was writing in my home this Saturday is better than any movie I was going to see in the theaters.

What did you do when the world didn’t end?


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