Anticipay-ay-tion is Making Me Wait

As a kid I remember waiting for Christmas morning. As a student I recall waiting for a difficult exam to be returned. As an adult I enjoyed the anticipation of my income tax check arriving in the mail.  And today, I wait in anticipation for two things.

First of all I’m waiting for a box of Girl Scout Samoa cookies to arrive. They were sent 10 days ago and they may or may not make it to my doorstep. I mean, think about it, if you worked in a semi corrupt mail office and you knew what was behind the brown mailing paper, wouldn’t you play the hero and bring them home for your own family? (By way of confession, I would.)

Or more realistically, wouldn’t you intend to play the hero but instead play the guy who can eat a whole box of Samoas in one sitting, leaving crumbs to bring home to your family! I’ll let you know when they show up at my door, but I probably won’t share.

Secondly, I’m waiting for a team to arrive tomorrow. A team or equipo helps to move the work of S4H forward. More work gets done, more people are cared for, more hearts are changed and more ministry is ministered…

Tomorrow morning this week’s team arrives from Alabama and I’d love it if you’d pray for them. There are 11 of them and they need you to pray for their safety, energy, open hearts and opportunities.

…But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.  -Jesus in Acts 1:8


2 thoughts on “Anticipay-ay-tion is Making Me Wait

  1. Here are most of the team’s names so that you can pray specifically:



  2. The cookies and the team arrived this week. The team on Saturday and the cookies on Wednesday. No, I”m not sharing with the team, that’s just how we roll.

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