
On one of our many trips to Santiago Zamora, a small village just 15 minutes from our home, Katey took a quick shot of our new friend Elsa. Elsa lives in a home that Servants 4 Him built last summer and it now includes a water filter and a clean fuel efficient stove. Elsa and her sisters love to spend time with Katey and especially brush and braid her hair. They have become friends.

Soon after that visit, a local magazine advertised for the opportunity to have photos published in their January photo issue. Katey submitted her pic of Elsa and it (along with one from Clay) was highlighted on page 86. Elsa was a bona fide model.

Two weeks ago, Katey had the opportunity to share the January Revue magazine with Elsa. She got to see her very own photo published and the smile that spread across her face was, as the commercial claims, priceless.

Is anyone among you happy, Let them sing songs of praise. James 5:13



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