My God Shall Supply All Your Needs

My family and I love living in Guatemala. We love the climate, the people and the opportunities for ministry. There are days, however, when we are overwhelmed with the needs.

Today we were visited by a pastor and his wife from the small pueblo of San Pablo which is about 3 hours from our home. Pastor Ephraim has a passion for San Pablo and that is seen in his desire to construct a school for the children, to build homes for the extremely poor and to provide decent medical care for the people in his town.

As Ephraim and his wife Betty sat on our couch,
-they shared the great need for wheelchairs in their town.
-they talked about the need for medicines for the infections that are showing up in the children of San Pablo post-Hurricane Agatha.
-they asked that we pray for the need for scholarship money to help keep kids in school.
-they both shared of Betty’s struggle with cancer and her current struggle with pain. She needs God’s healing.

We sat with them and prayed with them and told them we’d tell others about their needs. We know of their needs and we know you, so what we are doing here with missionerickson, is simply making the connection. This is a Godly couple who are committed to Jesus and to the people of San Pablo, Guatemala. They are living out their faith which is very alive…

If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?  In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. James 2:16-17

If you’d like more detail, leave us a comment. If you’d like to give, you can do so through Either way, please take a moment and pray for our new friends Pastor Ephraim and Betty. Thanks.



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