Los Funcionarios por Él

This weekend 19 members of the Servants 4 Him team gathered together for two days at Utz Tzaba in Monterrico, Guatemala. This resort situated on the Pacific coast was absolutely beautiful. We enjoyed black sand beaches, lounged in hammocks under thatched roofs, realeased baby sea turtles back into the ocean, ate homemade ceviche and swam in an eternity pool.

You could easily guess that one of the half dozen activities listed above was the highlight of our time together, but you would be wrong. The clear front runner highlight was being together as a like-minded team. A group of people with varied backgrounds, but the same vision. A team of ministry leaders with different roles but common goals. This gathering of people, not simply the beautiful surroundings, ministered to me the most.

I enjoyed our Friday night conversations about unity as seen in Acts 2:42-47 and our prayers for the Holy Spirit to show up in our families, our lives and our ministries on Saturday morning. The people are what added richness to my weekend and I’m thankful to be serving on the Servants 4 Him team.

How good and pleasant it is
when God’s people live together in unity! Psalm 133:1



1 thought on “Los Funcionarios por Él

  1. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Hoping it’s warmer there than here and excited to hear what is going on in Guatemala.

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