Meet Pedro…

As seen at

Last week Forrest, Katey and I headed out to Barrio de la Cruz to set up some details for a summer team as well as begin to make arrangements for some Inductive Bible Study Sessions.

Our first conversation was with Rolando who serves as an elder in the church we work with there. Rolando is blind and yet, Rolando “showed” us around his pueblo. His heart for his town is great, his wisdom vast and his “vision” clear.

The first stop on our “tour” was at Pedro’s house. Pedro’s family lives right next to Rolando and he wanted to make sure we met him because he knew of a great need within this family. Rolando wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to share Pedro’s heartbreaking story.

Pedro is 5 years old and suffers with cerebral palsy. Pedro is not simply a child who struggles with a disease, he is a winsome personality. He is a picture of joy. And he is an opportunity for God to move and meet needs.

Pedro has been supplied with a “vertical wheelchair” that affords him some freedom in his small home and allows him to be upright for short periods of time. He has also received therapy on a regular basis over the last year. His mom told us that the therapy really makes a difference in Pedro’s progress and in his demeanor.

The problem is that the money for therapy is running out and in order to keep Pedro in this life-changing physical therapy, his family needs to raise the funds necessary.

Pedro’s full-week therapy could be covered by just $200 per month. Servants 4 Him would like to help cover this cost and we need your help to do so!  All we need are 10 people who would be willing to give up going out to lunch two days a month…and instead of dropping $10 at Chipotle and another $10 at Chick Fil A (w/the milkshake), you could invest that same $20 per month in the life of wonderful child who claps his hands to show his joy.

Won’t you consider helping us help Pedro?

If you’d like to help, then click here to give online and in the “Donation Type” space, simply type Pedro’s name.We’ll know who it is for!


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